Learn the history...
This award-winning film provides a detailed look into redlining: what happened, where it came from, who was involved, how it supposedly“ended”, and why the 1968 Fair Housing Act did not actually get rid of redlining or its impact.
…To Understand Today
Told through a combination of expert and personal interviews, Divisible explores how redlining impacted and continues to affect the following topics: white privilege, housing, health, education, economics, the highway system, and the criminal justice system.

About the Film
The nature of Divisible is about educating and making a positive impact in our target communities. That is a human endeavor, rarely accomplished and fully actualized by one person.
Therefore, Divisible has always been a collective effort, because it’s not a story that can be told if those who are the focus of it are not in the room as well.

About Divisible's governing board
The structure of this Governing Board allows each member to participate in this project and have their voice and concerns heard at each stage of creation.
Each member of the Board has deep personal and professional expertise in these issues and has a demonstrated commitment to undoing the impacts of redlining in the North Omaha community and beyond. Without the Board’s involvement this would be an incomplete and inaccurate portrayal of the community at large and an issue that has very real and very personal implications.
Ultimately, the Governing Board has played a fundamental role in shaping this film and the strategy behind it.

Community Organizer, Activist, Director of Tours at Malcolm X Memorial Foundation
Schmeeka Simpson is a community organizer and activist with decades of personal, professional, and academic understanding of socio-cultural and political structures. Schmeeka is the Director of Tours at the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation and sits on the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Redlining Community Engagement Service Learning Board.

Professor of Black Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha
Dr. Nikitah Imani is a professor of Black Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where he has taught since 2012. Formerly, he served as a professor of Sociology and Africana Studies at James Madison University. He is on the editorial board for the journals Critical Sociology and the Journal of Racial Pedagogy.

Activist, Historian, Educator
Terri Crawford, J.D. is an activist, advocate, historian, writer, and educator. She leads at the intersection of social justice, community engagement and public policy. She is a part-time Community Fellow for the UNO Service Learning Academy and Instructor in UNO Department of Black Studies.

About the filmmaker

Director, Producer, Cinematographer
Lizzy Barrett is the founder of Equity Media, a production company dedicated to creating compelling visual content at the intersection of media and social justice.
She also works full time as a Video Producer at the Voter Formation Project, a non-profit working to increase voter participation and civic engagement in underrepresented communities year-round.

Meet the participants

Terri Crawford, J.D.

James Freeman

Gary Fischer

Laura Fisher

Joe Garcia

Lasha Goodwin

Jasmine Harris

Dawaune Lamont Hayes

Rev. Dr. Nikitah Okembe-RA Imani

Dr. Kimberley Johnson

Harry Lawson

Dr. Neil Lewis, Jr.

Leo Louis II

Preston Love, Jr.

Jade Rogers

Schmeeka Simpson

Allen Stevenson

thank you to our generous donors
Anonymous • Charise Alexander Adams • Santo Carfora • Marie Anne de Roos • Christina Pynn • Darin and Julie Kuntze • Ginny Tworek • Humanities Nebraska • Maria Miranda • Maureen McKenna • The Barrett Family • The Weitz Family Foundation